GR 1144

InnHealth Conference: Management of Emergency Incidents in the Hotel

Jan 22, 2024
Organized by: HOMED Medical Clinic
Homed-InnHealth Conference: Management of Emergency Incidents in the Hotel

Incident management at hotels

InnHealth Conference: Emergency Management in Hospitality Units

The InnHealth Conference on “Emergency Management in Hospitality Units” aims to raise awareness, vigilance and preparedness among all those involved in the hospitality industry throughout Greece.

The goal of the conference is to:

  • Equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to a variety of emergency situations, particularly those related to human health.
  • Promote a culture of safety and preparedness within the hospitality industry.
  • Facilitate the sharing of best practices and experiences among industry professionals.

The conference will be highly interactive.

  • Participants will use remote controls to answer multiple-choice questions during each session.
  • Discussion between speakers and participants will be based on the results of these responses.

Topics to be covered:

  • Accidents
  • Unforeseen medical conditions
  • Infectious diseases
  • Allergies
  • Foodborne hazards
  • Insectsmites, and reptiles

For each of these topics, the conference will highlight:

  • Prevention methods
  • Procedures to be followed to ensure the health of guests and the reputation of the establishment

The InnHealth Conference is under the auspices of:

  • The Ministry of Tourism
  • The Hellenic Medical Association

The event will be honored by the presence of:

  • The Minister of Health, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis

Arrival time: 09:00-10:00

Free parking is available at the OTE Academy Conference Center.

Additional Information:

  • The conference will be held in Greek.
  • Simultaneous translation into English will be available.
  • The conference will be accredited by the Hellenic Medical Association for 10 CME credits.
  • For more information and to register, please visit the InnHealth website.

We look forward to welcoming you to the InnHealth Conference!



The seminar titled ‘Emergency Incident Management in the Hotel’ on February 24th will be held at the OTE Academy conference center from 09:00 to 19:00. This will be followed by a dinner accompanied by live music.

Attendance – Registrations 09:00-10:00
Opening Remarks – Star 10:00-10:30
Recognition – Classification of Emergency Incidents 10:30-11:00
Methods and Management 11:00-11:30
Coffee Break 11:30-11:45
Accidents – Acute Morbid Conditions 11:45-12:30
Insects, Mites, Reptiles 12:30-13:00
Foodborne Infections 13:00-13:15
Communicable Diseases 13:15-13:30
Lunch Break 13:30-14:30
Prevention – Management of Morbid Conditions 14:30-15:00
Prevention – Management of Insects, Mites, Reptiles 15:00-15:30
Prevention – Management of Foodborne Infections 15:30-16:00
Prevention – Management of Communicable Diseases 16:00-16:30
 Coffee Break 16:30-17:00
Potential Impacts on the Public Image of the Hotel 17:00-17:30
Management Methods from a Marketing Perspective 17:30-18:30
Summary, Conclusions 18:30-19:00
Dinner 19:00



SPEAKERS (Alphabetically)

Πορτραίτο το ομιλητή Χρήστου Αθανασίου

Christos Athanasiou
Professor of Entomology at the University of Thessaly

A graduate and Doctor of the Agricultural University of Athens, he has worked as a researcher for three years at the United States Department of Agriculture, Center of Grain and Animal Health Research in the USA, as well as in other research centers in Europe. Among his research interests are insects related to public health. He has more than 300 publications in reputable scientific journals and serves as Editor in Chief, Subject Editor, and Associate Editor for several of them. He has received honorary distinctions from various international organizations, such as the Fulbright Foundation, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Institute for International Education, and others.

Πορτρέτο του Καθηγητού Χειρουργικής Βασιλείου Βουγά

Vasileios Vougás,

Professor of Surgery, Director of Transplant Center at Evangelismos Hospital

Graduate and Doctor of the Medical School of Athens. Honorary Consultant in the University Clinic of Western Infirmary in Glasgow. Senior Registrar in the Liver Transplant Unit at King’s College Hospital in London. Coordinator Director, Scientific and Administrative Head of the First Surgical Clinic and Organ Transplantation Unit at ‘Evangelismos’ Hospital in Athens. Has served as a Regular Member of the Examination Committee for Surgical Specialty in the Panhellenic Medical Association. Former acting member of the Administrative Board of the National Transplant Organization, member of the Hellenic Transplant Society, the European Transplant Society, the European Society for Liver-Intestine Transplantation, and the World Society of Hepatic-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery. Member of the Administrative Board of the Hellenic Transplant Society, Expert Surgeon in the Executive Committee of KESY and in the Committee for Continuous Medical Education.


Πορτραίτο Καθηγητού Παθολογίας και ομιλητού InnHealth Ευαγγέλου Γαμαρέλλου

Evangelos Giamarellos
Professor of Pathology at the University of Athens

A graduate and Doctor of the Medical School of Athens. He specializes in infections at Radboud University in the Netherlands. Since 2006, he has been the coordinator of the Greek Sepsis Study Group. He has served as a visiting Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the Medical School of Inea University in Germany. In July 2018, he was appointed as a Full Professor of Pathology-Infections at the ATTIKON University General Hospital. His main research interests focus on the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of sepsis, and the pathobiology and immunotherapy of hidradenitis suppurativa. He was honored for his outstanding research work by the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, where he received the Young Investigator Research Award. He has 364 publications in foreign medical journals. He has been honored 37 times in Greece and 11 times abroad for the originality and quality of his research work. He is the President of the European Shock Society and the European Sepsis Alliance


Πορτρέτο ιατρού αλλεργιολόγου Ζωής Δεμέστιχα

Zoe Demeftichia

Allergist, President of the Hellenic Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Graduate of the University of Athens, specialized in Allergology and Pathology. She has further specialized in Pediatric Allergy, Dermatological Diseases, and Clinical Immunology. She has collaborated with the Research Center of the University of Rome and the University of Perugia. She has served as President of the Panhellenic Association of Allergologists and since 2015, she is the President of the Hellenic Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. She represents the Panhellenic Association of Allergologists in the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists). She has a significant publishing work and is distinguished for her multifaceted contribution to social awareness on issues of prevention and treatment of allergies.

Πορτραίτο Καθηγητού Εντομολογίας και ομιλητού InnHealth Γεωργίου Λάμπρου

Georgios Lambrou
President of the Greek Pest and Rodent Control Association

Graduate of the Agricultural University of Athens. He is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and is engaged in research on waste management and the utilization of natural products in the control of harmful insects. As a registered educator in the relevant registry of the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET), he participates as a lecturer in the implementation of mandatory training for personnel of food and beverage enterprises. He has participated in a working group under the coordination of the National Public Health Organization (EODY) for the establishment of prevention and management protocols for the presence of bed bugs in accommodation facilities.

Πορτρέτο του εντομολόγου Αντώνιου Μιχαηλάκη μπροστά στο μικροσκόπιο

Antonios Michailakis

Agronomist-Entomologist, Researcher at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute

Research Director (Director of Research) and Head of the Laboratory of Insects & Parasites of Public Health Importance of the Scientific Directorate of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Agricultural University of Athens, Laboratory of Chemistry of the General Department), with a scholarship from the ‘Demokritos‘ National Centre for Scientific Research. He has conducted postdoctoral research in Chemical Ecology at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (BASE), with a scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He was selected as part of the Infectious Disease Evolution Across Scales (IDEAS, Princeton University) to conduct a study at Penn State University on the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the primary vector of the Zika virus and Dengue fever. He has participated and continues to participate, as a coordinator or scientific collaborator, in various European and National research programs and has authored more than 110 scientific papers. He is an alternate member of the Administrative Board of the National Public Health Organization (EODY), a member of the Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases of the Ministry of Health, and an expert consultant in programs of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on issues related to the management of mosquitoes through the sterile insect technique.


Πορτραίτο Καθηγητού Χημείας Τροφίμων και ομιλητού InnHealth Γεωργίου Μπόσκου

Georgios Boskou
Professor of Food Chemistry at Harokopio University

Graduate of the Chemistry Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with postgraduate studies and a Doctoral Thesis at the University of Ghent in Belgium in the field of food science and nutrition, specializing in Applied Biological Sciences. He is a founding member of the Interdisciplinary Society for the Assurance of Food Hygiene and the Scientific Society of Encyclopedists in Olive Farming. He is an Associate Professor of Organization and Management of Nutrition Units at Harokopio University and has been elected as the Deputy Dean of the School of Health Sciences. He has an extensive research background in food safety, total quality management, food legislation, organization of mass catering, gastronomy, and culinary arts. He has participated as a researcher in 12 technological patents and standard certification models

Πορτραίτο Καθηγητού Μάρκετινγκ και ομιλητού InnHealth Γεωργίου Πανηγυράκη

Panigyarakis Georgios
Professor of Marketing at the Athens University of Economics and Business

Graduate of the Athens University of Economics, with an MSc in Marketing and a PhD in Advertising from the University College of Wales, UK. He has been appointed as a Full Professor at the ESSEC Business School in Paris and at the University of Stirling in the UK. He has served as a Visiting Professor at the Audencia Business School in Nantes, France, at the Mediterranean Studies Institute in Zaragoza, Spain, at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in Brussels, and at the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He is a Professor of Marketing at the Athens University of Economics and a Professor and Coordinator in the Department of Public Communication at the Cyprus University of Technology, where he has been elected as the Dean of the School of Communication and Media. He has been a consultant, trainer, and collaborator in studies for International and National Organizations and companies such as the World Bank, FAO/United Nations, European Community, Food from Britain, BSN-Gervais Danone, Carrefour Group-France, Saint Gobain Nuclaire, Unigrain, Fondation Fert, Bank National de Paris, Nestle/Carnation, Dutch Dairy Bureau, the National Dairy Council of Ireland, Bank of Greece, Agricultural, General, Commercial Bank, 3E, Allianz, Interamerican, AGFA (Hellas), Janssen Hellas, AGB-Societe General, Bayer Hellas, Henkel Hellas, Philip Morris Hellas, Greek National Tourism Organization. Also, he has participated in European Union Programs in collaboration with the National Bank and companies like Siemens, Merita Nordea Banken, and GemPlus. He has been elected President of the Managing Committee of the Greek Customer Service Institute

Πορτραίτο του ομιλητού InnHealth Προέδρου IRITEL και Γενικού Διευθυντού HOMED Ηλία Παπαζήση

Ilias Papazissis
President of IRITEL, General Manager of HOMED Medical Clinic

Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Athens, with postgraduate studies at the National School of Public Health of the University of West Attica, where he received the title of Hygienist, specializing in Social Medicine and later in General Medicine. With a particular interest in developing innovative health systems, he studied emergency out-of-hospital medical systems and home care using telemedicine systems. In 1995, he founded the company TELEMEDICINE, focusing on secondary (hospital-level) home health care, establishing this system in Greece and overseas. In 2000, he developed the home hospital care system at YGEIA hospital. This service was honored with a distinction from the European Union as one of the best services in Europe regarding the use of advanced information technology and telecommunications. In 2007, he founded the HOMED Medical Clinic, where he remains the General Manager to date. He is a founding member of the scientific non-profit organization IRITEL (International Research Institute for Telemedicine), serving as its President until today. The Government of Kuwait invited him to design and develop the Hospital at Home system. He is one of the authors of the book “Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,” where he develops the pioneering design of home hospital care using advanced information technology and telecommunications. He has served as Vice President of the Panhellenic Association of General Practitioners.



Under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and the Hellenic Medical Association


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The WhatsApp phone at +30 697.69.13.046 is available daily from 07:00 to 23:00.